26 June 2012

Hello, Summer Deb!

I know there are a few other teachers who read this blog and will understand when I say there is a rocky transition from School Deb to Summer Deb every year. Most years it takes me about a week to move from full-press Go mode to a more relaxed summer pace and routine. This year I felt like Clark Kent whipping on his cape when I made the transition in record time--one weekend.

On the last Friday of the school year, I worked all the way to 5:00 pm tying up the last loose ends. Then I went to Birthday Party #1 at a friend's house (a barbecue, the perfect summer activity). Saturday morning we helped host Birthday Party #2 for our little housemate (sitting on the front porch in the sunshine, the second most perfect summer activity).

Then I had a haircut (summer hair) and a pedicure (summer sandal feet) before Birthday Party #3 for my dear friend Stacey at our favorite Mexican restaurant (which, of course, included a margarita, the perfect summer drink).

Sunday was Fathers Day so we slept in most deliciously, and then the Sprout and I took the Wise and Bearded One out for his favorite coffee (Stumptown). Then we roamed around the Pearl District and checked out Salt and Straw, the much-hyped fancy ice cream shop in town. If you're a Portlander and haven't been there yet, let me say the hype is well-deserved. Salted caramel ice cream (the pinnacle of summer desserts).

And that's how I transformed from hyper-focused School Deb to mostly-relaxed Summer Deb in the blink of an eye. I feel a tiny bit like Superman.

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