19 August 2012

Summer, Where Did You Go?

It's hard to blog after you haven't for two months.  Where do you start?  Do you even try to start again? For me the answer is "yes" because this blog is really the only journal/photo album/recuerdo that we keep around here.

And so, here's an omnibus blog post, meant to clear the air and record in brief what we've been up to this summer.

1) Two weeks in Indiana for me and the Sprout to do the family tour--cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas.

2) A 7-day graduate course for me at Lewis and Clark. Compressing one semester's work into a week and a half nearly put me over the edge.  Fortunately, we had a second weekend to finish writing our papers.  I'm considering working toward my administrator's license so this was a little dip in the pool to see what I think.  I'll probably take another course this fall but at a much more sane pace.

3) Two weeks of swimming lessons for the Sprout.  She was pleased to be able to take lessons with her great friend Tait ("I gonna marry Tait when I grow up.  I'm going to be a princess and Tait is going to dance me.").  She will now tolerate water being poured on her head but still is careful to never ever submerge her head in water.  Hopefully more swimming lessons will cure that fear.

 4) A round of flu swept through the household.  Fortunately, I avoided it but the Housemate and the Wise and Bearded One were out for the count for about two weeks there.  And then the Wise and Bearded One let his cold/flu morph into a nasty sinus infection.  He was so sick that he lost five pounds because he had no appetite.  

5)  Cleaning.  It's frightening to be home on a sunny day after being away so much and realize how awfully and astoundingly dirty our house is (was).  Goodness!  Moving the couch to vacuum required a bio-hazard suit.  Fortunately, this blog isn't about cleaning, or  I'd have to just declare a "fail" and stop here.

6) Dog care.  We have two dogs, a large, beautiful and stupid Weimaraner named Abraham and a slightly smaller, sweeter and more neurotic German Short-haired Pointer named Keegan.  Keegan is probably about twelve years old.  We don't know for sure because she's a rescue dog.  But over the last year, we've seen her age rapidly.  She has severe arthritis in her rear legs which makes getting up every morning painful, and our 1930s house is in no-way handicap accessible.  She has to go up or down stairs to get anywhere.  Some days she needs us to help pick her up to help her get out of the house first thing in the morning.  She's been cleaning her plate, wags her tail occasionally and even goes for very short walks down the block with me.  But it's clear her days with us are numbered.

7)  Not blogging.  No, but I've whiled away many happy hours taking photos and posting them on Instagram and pinning away on Pinterest.  If you're an Instagram user, please find me at beesnestdeb, and if you're a Pinterest user, I just installed a "follow me" button in the sidebar and I'd love to see you there.

There.  Let's see if that's enough to get this old blog machine rolling again.

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