Hi there! My name is Deb. I am a woman, a teacher, a wife, a mother, and sometimes an artist or sewist. Bee's Nest is my home on the internet where I record my attempts to live simply and creatively and to nurture my spirit when the going gets rough. Although Bee's Nest primarily exists to document my own journey, I've chosen to share it. I hope it inspires you to appreciate a bit of loveliness in the world around us or to live creatively in your own life.
I grew up as a small-town Mennonite girl in Indiana, but now I live in Portland, Oregon with my husband, my daughter, two dogs and three chickens. My husband, referred to as "the Wise and Bearded One" on this blog, is an architect by training and a thinker by temperament. He has definitely influenced my interest in design and encourages my creative attempts. "The Sprout" is our fierce and funny daughter.
I have strong interests in contemporary arts and crafts, interior design and architecture, sewing and quilting, fashion, natural gardening and landscaping, sustainability, education, living in community, nurturing women, and Christian spirituality. If any or all of that sounds interesting to you, please subscribe to my blog, follow it, or whatever it is you like to do when you find a blog that clicks with you.
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