I did this for awhile about 5 years ago and it worked well but then we moved and I lost my sources for soap flakes. Plus, in Portland it is easy to find environmentally-friendly laundry soap such as Seventh Generation, Ecover, etc. However, I like having total control of the ingredients (what? me wanting to control something?!) and I like using large glass containers that can be used over and over again instead of discarding the plastic tub every few weeks.
So I did the obvious thing. I searched the internets for websites with laundry soap recipes:
16 cups baking soda
12 cups borax
8 cups grated castile or glycerin soap flakes*
3 tablespoons lavender, lemon, or grapefruit essential oil (I don't use that much because I don't like strong scents)
All the ingredients were available between my local Safeway and New Seasons. Since I was too impatient to order soap flakes from an importer (they're no longer made in the States), I determined to buy the soap with the label that I could understand.
I tried several different grating options to try to find the
Then I started mixing my ingredients. I took my two biggest mixing bowls and mixed half a recipe in each. I'm terrible at English measurements (oh, when can we switch to metric? They promised in 4th grade that it was coming soon!) so I had to learn that largest box of baking soda is really on 8 cups worth. Fortunately I had two other big boxes of baking s
The results: 3 mongo-size IKEA containers of natural lemon-scented laundry soap. Plus 2 recycled spaghetti jars worth. But they weren't pretty so they didn't make it into the picture. So far I've done several loads of laundry and can't tell the difference from using commercial laundry detergent (as long as I'm diligent about pre-treating stains, which I always suck at).
ADDENDUM: I made a second batch in June 2009 and took the time to calculate costs to make a batch.
--3 bars Kirk's Castile Bar Soap at $1.39 = $4.17
--16 cups Baking Soda (I used less than half of 12 pound bag from Costco that I bought for $5.88) = $2.94
--1 1/2 boxes 20 Mule Team Borax (76 oz. box for $4.39 at New Seasons) = $6.59
--Essential oils I had from earlier projects so I did not purchase any = free
YIELD: 36 cups using 1/8 cup per load = 288 loads
TOTAL COST PER LOAD = less than 5 cents
This is so great, and cool, and sustainable. I'm gonna give this a try - in another couple weeks -- once we are settled into a new home.
PS thanks for the recipe
This is one of the things "on my list" to do. I'm sure I'll head back here for tips when I do. My fabric softener (that coats my clothes) is nearly out and I'm considering buying one of those spikey ball-type things. Need to check those out!
this could be an interesting christmas gift idea for our craft group. They look so pretty in those jars with the labels and would be a useful gift with a jar to reuse later.
You go, Deb.
I'm still insanely happy with my Shaklee detergent that has NO smell, and of which I only need 1-2 tablespoons per load. (I don't care for most laundry smells either--my nose is so sensitive.) Let us know if you keep liking it. It looks interesting enough and simple enough to try. And Stephanie is right, it looks like a great gift in those jars.
The liquid stuff I tried was watery and smelled so toxic when we made it. I've made this recipe many times in the past and kinda got out of the habit. I've never actually made it with castile soap but I'm super inspired to now. With glycerin flakes, you do have to use warm or hot water. Thanks for the reminder and inspiration, Deb.
Joyce--I've really looked at purchasing Shaklee products several times so I'm glad to know their detergent is good stuff. I've heard excellent things about their home cleaning products too. Right now I'm going to see what all I can make on the cheap that satisfies me, but Shaklee is definitely an option if I run out of make-my-own enthusiasm.
Lisa--Tell me what you think about the fabric softener ball. I've seen several people who use vinegar as a fabric softener. I've never used a liquid fabric softener--somehow I got in the habit of using dryer sheets. But I see Trader Joe's has these reuseable lavendar bags that are supposed to work in the dryer. I might try those.
Kris, hi there! Miss you!
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