Then I saw a whole spread in Lucky magazine of 40's style. I've loved menswear-inspired trousers--one of my wardrobe staples for work. But I've recently taken a liking to the fiercely-tailored jackets, pencil skirts, sweater sets, and saucy heels that are inspired by the forties.
And then, the Wise and Bearded One were invited to a party with a 1940s theme and a request for the guests to wear "flirty forties" apparel. Fuel for my obsession. Here's a page from my "inspiration journal"---basically a sloppy notebook where I jot down ideas and tape, glue or staple all sorts of random things that I like.
Random, but somewhat related:
--Here are some Scandinavian paper dolls that I think are just forties fabulous!
--Polyvore is a site that I could waste hours upon. Sort like an adult version of paper dolls. You get to put together fabulous outfits for absolutely free.
--Archival Clothing is a blog I recently happened upon that celebrates classic clothing styles, timeless designs and handcrafted perfection.
--Harvey Faircloth makes "standup modern classics". I would like to have one of everything they make, please.
Yesterday I was thrifting with a friend and kept seeing 40's clothing and mentioning "I should make a pattern out of that"--we are exactly on the same wavelength!
I love the 40's as well. My mom was a young college student, then a teacher, then a young wife during the 40's. When I was really young she still had some of her clothes from that time stored in the back of her closet. I loved sorting through them. What I marveled at was the crisp perfection of her woolen suits. They were completely handmade (no sewing machine in the boarding house where she lived) and I adored them. I wish they were still around now...
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