But Renee Lynn Hartig's paintings brought us to a halt. All three of us. The Wise and Bearded One liked the strong lines and colors. The Sprout liked the choo choo trains and the puppy dogs. And I love the Burnt Sienna base painting that peeks through these landscapes. They somehow cross that representational/abstract divide for me. We bought a pair of abstracted landscape oils on paper that I can't wait to frame and hang in our house.
Perhaps Renee's work appeals to us because, like us, she has strong midwestern roots--completing most of her education in Michigan before moving to the Pacific Northwest. Perhaps it's that she explores the intersection of man-made vs. nature that I am continually drawn to. Perhaps its the way her brushstrokes remind me of some Impressionist...I'm not sure who...Cezanne perhaps? Art History, why did I not take you more seriously when I was in college!?
Regardless, beautiful inspiring images abound on Renee's blog here. I can see some serious quilt inspiration in the colors. Stop by her blog and say hi (and tell her that I sent you).
All images used with permission from the artist.