Yikes! I didn't intend to let the blog go silent for more than two weeks, but the last two weeks of the school year really kicked my tail. I had little energy or enthusiasm left for creativity. But I made it through and finished strong. And now it is SUMMER!
Or is it? Portland can't seem to make up it's mind. We continue to have grey cool days with only intermittent sunshine to tease us and give us hope. The Sprout and I are heading back to the Midwest next week and then to Arizona for some family time. I'm quite sure that between Indiana and Arizona we will get our quota of sunshine and heat.
Since I don't have much original creativity of my own to share right now, I'll share a few links I've been loving lately:

Stuart Ian Frost, sculptor and environmental artist, manipulates found organic objects in unusual and compelling ways. Some installations are site-specific (alla Andy Goldsworthy), others are museum pieces. "Iris", shown over here on the left, is made of seagull feathers. I geek out over people who have the eyes to see the potential of what I probably would have thought of as trash. Seagull feathers, really?!
Under the Cottonwood is a design and lifestyle blog by Susan Hazel. She has a great eye for fresh clean style and does a nice job of blending high-end items with more economical options. I'm looking to update my summer wardrobe (if summer ever comes) and I've been browsing Susan's site for inspiration.
--Josh Garrels, a fellow Indiana-to-Oregon transplant, just released his latest album,
Love and War and the Sea in Between. He has a gentle folk singer-songwriter sound layered with lots of harmonies, talented instrumentalists and bits of electronica and hip-hop that pop in now and then as a pleasant surprise. His lyrics are riddled with literary and Biblical imagery. I especially like the third track, "Farther Along", as I've always loved the gospel number it is based upon. And best of all he is giving his new album away FOR FREE. You can download it
What's been inspiring you lately? Have you seen or heard something lately that made you smile? Please share!
Last minute addition: Did you know you could win a trip to Paris on Oh Happy Day? Click here: http://ohhappyday.com/2011/06/goes-to-paris/