30 June 2012

Summer Camp

This week the Sprout and I are in the middle of the country enjoying time with our family. My sister and her five children also converged on my parent's house for the week. This convergence we're calling Grandma and Grandpa's Summer Camp. Keeping six kids 8 and under supervised and entertained every day can be quite a task. Fortunately, my mom planned some activities in advance and my sister and I added some too.

So far we've:
--visited Great Grandma
--played outside a lot--swing, wading pool, bubbles
--visited my aunt and uncle's dairy farm to pet the calves and climb on the tractors
--went to an Amish zoo (no, not Amish in cages, but a zoo run by an Amish family on their farm)
--watched the Ramona and Beezuz movie
--the Big Kids went to Vacation Bible School every night in the best Midwestern summer tradition

I brought along a personal crafty project--a little quilt top to piece that has been niggling around in the back of my head for awhile. Ha ha. I forgot how much energy keeping up with a pack of kids requires. When they sleep, all the adults sleep too.

Just like Summer Camp.

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