19 September 2006


Shout-out to Sarah and Kris! It's always fun to find old friends in the blog-o-sphere. Sarah is a real-life, no-bull, unpretentious domestic goddess. And Kris writes with humor about life as a stay-at-home-mom, including accidently walking through her daughter's pee (Nice job, Emma!). I'll add their links to my sidebar when I have a few spare moments.

It seems like my spare moments are fewer and farther between. I knew that would happen somewhat just with the start of the school year, but now this volleyball coaching thing is sucking up a lot of time. And, this week is Back-to-School night so Thursday I'll be at school from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Ok, let's be honest. I won't be there at 7:30 a.m. It'll be more like 7:45 or 7:50......

I despair of my hopes of ever becoming a morning person.


Sarah said...

Thank you, Deb! It is so nice to see what is going on with you and Nate and I'm so glad you're chiming in on my blog occasionally too. I love your paintings, by the way. You are really quite artistic!! I also love (as much as I love my kids) hearing about your life as a working woman.

Kris said...

Ditto to everything Sarah said... now isn't that creative for ya? No really, I love reading both your blog and the one you and Nate do together. It makes me miss you even more than I have. And I really want to visit the PNW! One of these days...

I'm very impressed with your many creative endeavors. My only one this summer was sewing a pocket/pouch sling for Andrew. I'll blog about sometime soon.
