29 January 2007

Finished Product: Kris's Hot Mama Bag

Monday night. Imogen Heap playing on the computer. The dogs have already put themselves to bed for the night. Oh maybe not. I hear them play-fighting downstairs.

Over the weekend I did about 10 loads of laundry. Really. How do two people make such a mess?

I also finished up this bag for my sister. It's rather large and loud. I like the large part--it's about 17 inches square and has multiple pockets on the interior, but I'm thinking that I like this print better in smaller doses. I wanted the bag to be fun and lighthearted but sturdy enough that my sister could tuck in the paraphernalia that goes along with being the mama of two little girls. Hope you like it, sis.

I'm stuck on Sarah's art quilt. I'm working on a couple of aprons that are going together really quickly so maybe there'll be photos of them soon. I've got some ideas floating around in my head for some other projects. Plus my hair is growing out and it's starting to annoy me so maybe I should make some headbands. Not that I like headbands. I really don't. But last night my hair was in my face so much that I grabbed a scissors and chopped out some bangs. Oh dear. Better wear a headband to avoid more unfortunate self-inflicted haircuts.

Happy Monday to all,


P.S. If you haven't checked out 3191 yet, you really should.
