Now on Snow Day #2, I am rapidly working through my sewing projects and books on the to-read pile. I even cleaned the studio! Don't be surprised by a flurry of posts around here in the next couple of days ("flurry" hah, hah, I'm punny! That one is for my brother-in-law Ryan) .
Nate says that I flit from craft to craft. I tend to think that I drift from obsession to obsession (oo-oo, another snow pun). My current obsession is fabric. I'm trying to keep myself from becoming a fabric collector so I'm only permitting myself to buy fabrics for projects that I am actually working on. It's hard to resist pulling into the Pine Needle (yes, that is really it's name) once in awhile on my way home from school to see what fun fabrics have come in. They have a lot of more traditional quilting fabrics but they're starting to get more Amy Butler, Denyse Schmidt, Kaffe Fasset and other modern designs.
These fabrics are for a bag for my sister Kris. It sounds like she could use a little pick-me-up about now since my neice, Glory, is not taking well to sleeping through the night. Love ya, sis!