22 November 2008

Advent Conspiracy: DIY Fair (part 6)


Ok, here's the last of the DIY Craft Fair posts, I promise! I just couldn't resist putting my favorite gift making project on here. I really, really hope that my friends who are getting this don't read this post :) Or if they read it, they just get excited in hopes that they are one of the recipients.

Fizzy Bath Bombs

2 cups baking soda
1 cup citric acid
1 cup corn starch
1-3 teaspoons almond, grapeseed, or olive oil
5 drops of liquid food coloring
10-20 drops of essential oil (recommended: lavender, lemon)
Water in a spray bottle

You’ll want to wear rubber gloves and maybe a dust mask to make these. Mix dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Add the massage oil and fragrance oil and food coloring. Water is the activator of the citric acid/baking soda mix so you want to add it a “spritz” at a time. You do not want it to start foaming. Add a spritz, mix it together with your hands, repeat until mix is moist enough to hold a shape.

Press into molds (ice cube trays, muffin tins, empty Easter eggs, etc.) to shape. Unmold and dry for 1-2 days.

You can get much more complete directions here:


These were very rewarding to make. Very rewarding because all of the broken and otherwise unattractive bits that didn't make it to the final gift status are ending up in my bathtub and I do so love a fizzy, good smelling bath. Maybe I'll go take one right now.

If you're still looking for unique and "relational" gift giving ideas, please check out ReThinking Christmas. I am so amazed by all the creative ideas. Or if you've got a great idea or tradition to share, please put it in the comments.

Spend Less. Give More. Love More.

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