12 July 2010

Made: Built by Wendy Top

Although I haven't been posting, I have been sewing in fits and starts around here. Here's a project I finished in May (yeah, I'm a little behind with posts).

I have a girl crush on Built by Wendy's Wendy Mullins. I love her "modern fit, classic style". This shirt is Simplicity 4111 that I bought a long time ago on the cheap-pattern days at Joann's. I had this Denyse Schmidt fabric that I'd been hording that I decided to finally cut into. Here's how it turned out:


I now know that I need at least an additional inch in length in the upper bodice piece. It balloons out more than it should because it doesn't fit my bust correctly. I like the rest of the pattern well enough to sew it again sometime with more length in the bodice. I suppose I should actually READ the pattern reviews before I dive in.

I had some leftover fabric so, of course, I had to make the Sprout some clothes too. This is Indietute's Toddler Peasant Shirt and the skirt is so lazy, it's not even quite a Lazy Day's Skirt.


