21 July 2010

Thoughts/Links for the Week

Wow, I thought I would have so much more time to blog over the summer with school out of session. Guess I was wrong! Where do all those full-time mommy bloggers find the time??!! I spend every minute chasing the Sprout, cleaning up after the Sprout, or trying to get food on the table before the Sprout melts down. And when she's sleeping I'm doing laundry, dishes, gardening, catching up on email, etc.

My saving grace is that my wonderful sitter, Naomi, has the Sprout on Wednesdays so I can have a bit of time to go into the office, meet a friend for lunch, sew, get a haircut, go grocery shopping, etc. Thank God for Naomi!

Here's some random thoughts and links I don't want to lose:
--I just learned that I have to take a class to maintain my teacher's license. I'm thinking that a quicky on-line course might be the way to go so I could wrap it up before school starts in September. Blechh!!!
--I'm taking a Japanese Sewing class at Bolt on Wednesday nights. I'm totally stoked about it. Wish I had more time to sew (see above).
--Check out the cutest sewing studio ever!
--Posey Gets Cozy found this inspiring line of French children's clothes and patterns: Nils & Happy to See You
--I want to make this gingham dress. Do you see a theme here?! I want more time to sew and craft, please and thank you.
--I went for a bike ride on the Johnson Creek Corridor Monday pulling the Sprout in the Chariot (I love that thing!) and I saw the raspberries were ripening. Must pick berries soon!

Now I will shut up about wanting to sew and actually go sew for a little bit. Love and sunshine to you!
