06 February 2011

Self-Portrait, Today


The Sprout is still sick and I'm tired and queasy too.


Thank you all for your comments. Especially when I'm feeling cut off from the world, blog comments mean a lot.


Thanks also for weighing in on the pillow cases. As Joyce and Heather Jane kindly pointed out, it's the "lamb" colored flowers that I really don't like. I'll keep them for now, but I am on a quest to find the perfect geometric pattern with soft yellow, moss green and a lot of white. Oh dear, more fabric shopping! The torture! If you see something you think would work, send it my way!


Several of you comment but your blogger profile doesn't have an email address attached to it. If you add an email address, I'll send you nice responses to your comments. Or sometimes they might be a little snarky, depending on my mood.


