20 April 2011

A Reason to go to Jo-Ann Fabrics??

I have enjoyed sewing the Oliver + S patterns and fabric so much for the Sprout that I nearly shrieked when I found out that Liesl has also designed a set of adult size patterns for Simplicity. You can see the whole pattern collection over on the Lisette blog. I'm particularly partial to this Passport dress and jacket because I think it could easily be work-appropriate for me. I'm also really like the Traveler's Dress that looks like a classic shirtwaist dress with some body-friendly variations.

From the Lisette blog I learned that Liesl is also working with Jo-Ann's to come out with a fabric line. It looks like a great mix of heavier weight canvases and twills and lighter poplins and apparel cottons. And the colors are bright and cheerful and not some sort of dreadful floral print like most Jo-Ann apparel fabrics have tended to be. They seem to be either a dreadful print or made out of the cheapest of polyester blends that I want nowhere near my body.

And to top off the great news, I just saw that the Goddess of Modern Quilting herself, Denyse Schmidt, has put out a line of quilting fabrics at Jo-Ann's. The flickr fan groups are abuzz. You can see some fabric swatches here.

So despite my long disdain for big-box craft stores, I'm afraid I'm digging through my trash to find this month's 40% off coupon to Jo-Anns so I can venture forth some evening this week. I hope the superfans haven't snatched up all the good stuff already.

I just found my JoAnn's flyer for this week and it looks like Lisette fabrics are 50% off this weekend and Simplicity patterns are $1.99 (at least at my local Portland Jo-Anns). So....off to the big-box store I go.
