We've been home for about a week now. You'd think that I would have gotten around to blogging by now. It's not for a lack of things to say, and there are pictures just waiting for their debuts. But returning home from vacation has its own challenges. First there are the multiple loads of vacation laundry to be done. Then the garden, which appears to have been stealthily taking growth hormones while we were gone, needed to be weeded and harvested. And the shrubs around the house, how did they get so big and ungainly? Our house looked vaguely neglected. So that had to be attended to before blogging.
Then there's the Summer List....an ever-expanding unwritten list of All The Things I Will Do This Summer that I have been formulating in my head for the last several months. Sometimes I'm simply paralyzed by all the possible ways I could spend the few short weeks between now and late August. (And I went to Target the other day and the Back-to-School section was already installed and I had a momentary panic as I felt my summer had just begun!)
So, while I try to figure out what's what around here, I'll post some photos of our time in Indiana. It was precious time for the Sprout to love and be loved on by her grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. It was also precious time for me as I got to sleep in a few days and meet up with friends for coffee all by myself, since there were some grandparents around eager to entertain the Sprout. Here are some of our precious family members.

My parents and their five grandchildren....who would not cooperate for a picture.

My mom, my grandmother and my daughter. Precious.