Last week, I posted about my new favorite magazine, Kinfolk. This week, I'm posting about my tried and true love, Anthology: Living with Substance and Style. While Kinfolk nudges one toward a quiet, austere asthetic, Anthology indulges in wildly divergent styles of homes. Each home tells the story of the home owner's life experiences, interests and personal style.
While I love me some clean white modern styling, real life is messier than that. Real homes are welcoming because there is an embrace of the messiness of life, of well-traveled objects, of furnishings collected over the years. Anthology inspires me to hang a really crazy piece of art, paint a worn piece of furniture and unexpected color and embrace the chaos of a household that contains three adults, two toddlers, and two naughty dogs.
There are three more weeks left of school around here. My job is a little hectic trying to jam in all the things that need to be done, but my head is dreaming of tackling a fun house project this summer. While my house will never be featured in a design magazine. But, if I have my way, it will continue to look more and more like OUR house that tells OUR story and where we feel most ourselves.
Question: I used to read a lot of shelter magazines but most of them bit the dust. I'm still looking for some print magazines or blogs that inspire. Any suggestions?
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