I had so much fun designing and picking out fabrics for these gifts for friends. I used some of the elements of the Covington bag that I had made before but made the bags big enough to hold some books, papers, or even pared-down baby gear. I picked bold Amy Butler fabric for the exteriors and then coordinating stripes or polka dots for the interiors. I know my friends pretty well, but I was a bit scared that I had gone too bold for a couple of them. Fortunately, they all proclaim to love the bags so I think it turned out ok.
Stacey :: Amy
Wendy :: Julie :: Sarah
P.S. I'm having problem taking good pictures these days. There have been few sunny times for taking photos so I've had to resort to using flash.....which I hate.
P.P.S. Sister, I plan to make us some bags someday soon. I haven't found the perfect RED fabric for the two of us, yet.