28 April 2011

Got 'em!

IMG_9767_edited-1 by ndmiller
IMG_9767_edited-1, a photo by ndmiller on Flickr.

I made it to Joann's this weekend and scored my $1.99 Simplicity patterns. You'd think that 4 patterns at $1.99 would lead to a roughly $8.00 tab at the check-out. Not so. Not so. Because I had to check out the Lisette fabrics too and of course the D. S. Quilts fabrics. Even with my 40% off coupon my tab was....well, let's just say a lot more than $8.00.

It's tough week over here. As everyone knows by now, funding for education is in huge crisis. This week it's hitting the teachers in my district particularly hard as we prepare to close a school for next year and two more schools the following year. While my own job appears to be safe for the time being, I am surrounded by teachers who are really unhappy to have to change schools, classrooms, or positions for next school year. A few will lose their jobs or be reduced to part time. It is heavy.


This would also be the week the Sprout has decided to wake up screaming bloody murder in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. I swim my way up through the layers of deepest sleep, pad over to her crib, find her pacifier, and attempt to comfort her. Sometimes she is so distraught that we end up going downstairs and getting a drink or walking about a bit. Usually by the time she is calmed down and falling back to sleep I have just gained maximum alertness and then I have trouble getting back to sleep.

The combination of emotional and physical weariness means I'm laying low this week in the blogging world and in the crafting world.

"All will be well and all will be well and all manner of all will be well" as my friend Cris reminded me of the words of Julian of Norwich this week.


On a happier note, Susan and Daniela shipped their first 30 quilts to Japan this week as part of the Quilts for Quake Survivors' project. I couldn't be prouder of all the sewists and quilters who've risen up to contribute to this project.
