When we arrived in Arizona it was a blistering 116 degrees so we spent a lot of time in the pool at the hotel and then at the home of friends in Black Canyon City. The Sprout was terrified of water last summer so I was wondering how she would react this year. Never fear, she started out a bit cautiously but by the end of a couple of days of watching her cousins play in the pool and experimenting a bit herself, she was willing to be towed into the deep end and learning how to blow bubbles in the water. I hope to get her into the pool at Mt. Scott Community Center some yet this summer and fall so we can continue to build on her beginning swimming skills. I didn't learn to swim until well into my teen-age years and I'd like her to be a much earlier and more confident swimmer.

The Sprout and I

The Sprout and her Papa

A bunch of cousins spent every waking minute in the pool. Even little cousin Checky got in on the action.

This shot gives you an idea of the great pool and view from the house where we stayed in Black Canyon City.
Many more photos from our travels are here on Flickr. I seem to be having some issues with Flickr right now. Let me know if you'd like to see the photos and can't figure out how to view them.