24 July 2011

Sunday Photos

Well, this first photo is actually a Saturday night photo as my friend Tristan's bachelorette party was yesterday. A tribute to her excellent taste (and probably why I like her so much) is that her ideal bachelorette party included berry picking during the day and a delicious dinner at Gruner in the evening.

Of course all those blueberries we picked have to be dealt with. Since I am a lazy preserver, most of these will be laid out on cookie sheets in the freezer before they get tossed into bags for future muffins and smoothies. We also made some blueberry pancakes this morning before we headed out to the Farmer's Market and church.

If you scroll down to the miserable photos from last Sunday, you can see what a difference a week has made. This weekend has been spectacular--sunny and in the 80s. For this, we are grateful.

Happy Sunday!

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