After a couple of days in the heat and the swimming pools of the Phoenix area, we loaded up the vans (we had two minivans and a Suburban full of members of the Wise and Bearded One's family) and headed north. One of his brothers and his family live on an old Mennonite mission on Third Mesa of the Hopi Reservation north of Flagstaff. We try to respect the Hopi request that no photos be taken of Hopi villages or people so there are mostly pictures of family members.
Unphotographed, but not forgotten, was a fascinating tour of the historic Walpi village on First Mesa, seeing golden eagles and hawks being raised for ceremonial purposes, and trekking down into the incredible terraced gardens behind Hotevilla. I am impressed by the Hopi who have sustained a culture and a livelihood for thousands of years in what my Oregon eyes see only as arid desert.

A Hopi man (who gave consent to be photographed) gave the guys a tour of his land including this cliff with pictographs on them. So cool!
More vacation photos exist on Flickr for our friends and family.
Post Script: apparently flickr hates me and is somehow making some pictures unavailable even though I linked them all to the post in exactly the same way...I'm attempting a fix.